Caveat Lector! 1. The old feud between authors and critics, a feud as old as literature, has not arisen on the ground of chariness in praise, but rather on the ground of deficient sympathy, and the tendency to interpret an author's work according to some standard which is not his. Instead of placing themselves at his point of view, and seeing what he has attempted, how far he has achieved the aim, and whether the aim itself were worthy of achievement, critics have thrust between his work and the public some vague conception of what they required, and measured it by an academic or conventional standard derived from other works. Fond as an author necessarily is
of praise, and pained as he must always be by blame, he is
far more touched by a sympathetic recognition of his efforts,
and far more hurt by a misrepresentation of them. No hyperbole
of laudation gives a tithe of the delight George Henry Lewes, from
'Dickens in Relation to Criticism'
Culture and Society in Britain, 1850 -1890, a
source book of contemporary writings, ed. J.M. Goldby. Oxford University
Press 1992; ISBN0-19-871112-3
The Critic: A fool rushes in "I don't think a religion that makes the beautiful, near-naked body of a man being put to death by slow torture the centre of its worship can complain too vociferously about the goth fan club..." "The
Two Of Them" Wild
Hearts In Uniform. The
Grail Legend Ancillary Justice its a poor show if we're all so scared of each other nobody dares to give a bad book a bad name...or to be the first to praise a good book which has been dismissed by the ruling junta It's not that I've changed my mind about contributing to the discourse or having the courage to be the awkward voice, but I've hung up my guns. I'll only review a book now if I can use it as a stepping off point for talking about a lot of things, and/or if I'm paid for the hit. Or if the book is entirely wonderful, and no one knows. Where Angels fear to tread |