Fictional History What to do about Space Opera backstory? How do you handle the "getting there from here" aspect of the unforseeable future? I'm using a history i prepared earlier for the Buonarotti Transit -discovered, lost and found again over the course of the Aleutian Rule on Earth. Plus the prehistory: the emergence of Newurophysics and Mind/Matter tech, from a fusion of occult beliefs and neuroscience, in the 21st Century CE. Attentive Gwyneth Jones readers may notice that Japan didn't actually sink, Misha Connelly's father gets a namecheck in a military history lesson, the perils of mind/matter tech are the same as in Bold As Love; and Li Xi-feng's World State didn't last -must have collapsed when the Gender War broke out- but she is remembered as First Emperor.
Fulcrum Bricks
Sticks Straw Emergence
THE UR-VERSION ESCAPE PLANS: Normal space is a bust, the size of the universe is an illusion, our solar system is in a local area that's trapped in a Black Hole, how the hell do we get out of here? Millie Mohun, a direct-cortical sports star with a secret, meets ALIC, a privileged tourist from the Lagrange habitats, where the great systems are honoured like a Pantheon of Roman Gods. ALIC takes a dive into the teeming warrens tastefully concealed under the beautiful park world of Earth, where the masses live in poverty and concoct weird religions. My Higgs Boson novel. See also: Aliens In the Fourth Dimension: (On Writing The Aleutian Trilogy) |